Customer Testimonials


  • "Our Army customer recently completed their formal evaluation of our performance on the PSDS2 program for the contract year of 1 June 2017 through 31 May 2018. I’m pleased to report that the evaluation ratings were excellent. These outstanding ratings are a direct reflection of the team’s superior performance in theater. Each member of the Afghanistan team should be proud of your many accomplishments and contributions to the ongoing operations. Our team has built a strong reputation for responsiveness, top quality intelligence products, high system Operational Availability, and absolute dedication to the mission. The frequent positive feedback from theater leaders regarding your performance was important to attaining the high ratings."

    Army Customer Feedback,Afghanistan

  • “INTECON’s Cyber support continues to lead the DoD efforts to improve cybersecurity."

    US NORTHCOM customer,Peterson AFB, Colorado Springs, CO

  • "I just wanted to send a quick note to thank you and your team for the smooth transition from LCMS to KMI. I know we don't say it often or enough, but I truly appreciate the expertise that you and your team has provided COMSEC Account 5D4506. You guys and your team are awesome and we as CAMs/KOAMs wouldn't be able to accomplish our daily missions without the knowledge and expertise that you provide."

    CIP-CSLA customer,Ft. Huachuca, AZ

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“"Our Army customer recently completed their formal evaluation of our performance on the PSDS2 program for the contract year of 1 Jun...”

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